Morning Star Baptist Church

Germany/Romania Trip Photo Album
August 7, 2002 - September 23, 2002

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Pastor Andrew Carrigan prays with Gypsy village after preaching through an interpreter.

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The mission group sings as Gypsies in this small village gather to listen.

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Preacher Duckett's smile pictures his love 
for these Gypsies on his first trip outside the USA.

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These raised hands are answer to Pastor Carrigan's invitation
to accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior.

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The Group sings as these Gypsies gather to listen to singing, preaching, and testimonies.

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Brother Gene Duckett and Brother Tommy Smith pose
for pictures on our sightseeing tour in Germany.


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Tommy and Myra worked with Brother Harold and Karen  Pierce in
their mission work in Schweinfurt, Germany.


How Can I Be Saved?