Morning Star Baptist Church

Mexico Trip Photo Album
6/9/ 01 - 6/23/01

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Missionaries Bob & Betty Sue Smith,
Monctezuma, SLP Mexico


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Morning Star Baptist Church Group with Rosia, Sandy, and Cynthia
from the Mexican VBS team.

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Morning Star Baptist Church Group, Dallas Texas Youth Group,
San Antonio Group, and Mexican VBS Team.


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Pastor Melesio and Family
(Pastor of Iglesia Bautista Maranata in Villa De Arista, Mexico)

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Pastor Raphael and Family
(Pastor of Iglesia Bautista Maranata in Monctezuma, Mexico)

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Pastor Raphael, Tommy Smith, Missionary Bob Smith, Pastor Melesio

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Waiting for church service to begin at Villa de Arista.

Page Two Mexico Photo Album

How Can I Be Saved?