Morning Star Baptist Church
Church Ministries

Ministering thru ...


Missions is the heartbeat of God.  Morning Star Baptist Church is a mission hearted church in obedience to the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20).  Our Annual Mission's Conference is held the first Wednesday - Sunday after the first Sunday each November.  This is the highlight of the year for our church.  We invite Missionaries of like faith from all over the world to attend.  For several years, we have had more than 25 Missionaries participating in each conference.   For more details of the conference and a list of Missionaries we help to support, click here:  morningstarmissions .

Missionary Helps

Tommy Smith serves as our Missions Director.  His wife, Myra serves as the Mission's Secretary.  Tommy and Myra coordinate and organize short term mission trips for small groups from our church.  Pastor Carrigan and his wife take an annual foreign mission trip.  Several other members have taken their vacation weeks to travel and help on the mission field.  For more information on group trips, Click here: Missiontriphighlights

Nursing Homes

Jimmy Humphries and Gene Duckett minister and preach in local nursing homes.  Their ministries encourage lonely senior citizens as they worship and praise the Lord.  Several have called on the Lord for salvation during these visits.

 Senior Citizens Meetings

Senior citizens meet once a month for a time of food, fellowship and Bible devotions.  They also enjoy trips and special activities.

Ladies Meetings/Retreats

Our ladies also enjoy annual mountain retreats with fellowship, Bible devotions, singing, and shopping.

Van Ministry

Vans pickup is available for transportation to church services and activities.   For more information, please call the church office at the number provided on the home page of this website.

Hispanic Ministry

We provide English classes to Hispanics.  A Sunday School class is available in Spanish and audio headphones are available to hear the worship services translated into Spanish.


Tracts, John/Romans, and CDs in English and Spanish are available for distribution.

We have annual revival meetings.

Our men meet for breakfast devotions.

We have a CDs distribution ministry where copies of  our pastor's weekly radio broadcast and copies of our worship services are distributed.

The Morning Star Trio sings in our church and in other Baptist churches for revivals and camp meetings.

We have a website that is maintained and updated on a regular basis.  Many of the weekly church services are loaded to the website on a regular basis.

We have many other activities throughout the year.