Morning Star Baptist Church
Youth Ministries

Morning Star Baptist church values the spiritual growth of our youth. 
We are ministering to our youth through ...

Sunday School

Sunday School is provided for all ages.  We have excellent teachers and Sunday School materials.

Children's Church

Children's Church is provided for ages 4-9 each  Sunday morning.  The children
participate in the song service and prayer in the sanctuary before going to their class.  Dedicated teachers teach the children at their learning level.

Wednesday Youth Bible Study

Wednesday Youth Bible Study includes a teens and children's program.  The teens  have Bible Study and fellowship.
The Children's Program places the children in groups according to their age group.
  They have an opportunity to earn badges.  Badges can be earned for various activities including: Bible verse memorization, bringing a guest to church, quiz master (answering questions pertaining to the lesson), reading missionary biographies, soul winning, and perfect attendance.  At the end of each quarter, we have an awards night to recognize the youths' accomplishments.

Good News Club

A team from our church provides an after school Bible Club called "The Good News Club" to the Pacolet Elementary School each Wednesday afternoon.  The team teaches lessons from the KJV Bible to students  from kindergarten – 5th grade who sign up for the program. Child Evangelism provides us this great opportunity to reach children in the public school system.  We begin with prayer, teach a Bible memory verse, a sound doctrinal Bible lesson, a  game quiz to review and reinforce the Bible lesson, songs, snacks and a mission story.  There have been several children saved.  The children encouraged to attend a local Bible believing church. 

 Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is a special and exciting time for the Children.  Many workers from the church help to coordinate and teach VBS.  We decorate the church, plan games, crafts, fun activities, and food to make learning the Bible lessons fun for the children. The week of VBS ends with a commencement program which gives the children an opportunity to share what they have learned.  The parents are invited and the plan of salvation is clearly presented.

Youth Camps

We provide our own youth camps.  Each summer we rent a large house in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and  provide 1 week of camp for teens and a separate week for Juniors.  A team of mature Christians from our church plans and conducts the camp activities.  The activities include:  Bible study, games, singing, skits, food, more food, more Bible study, excursions into town, campfire cookouts and devotions, and other activities, such as horse back riding, tubing, fishing, etc.  This is a good time of fellowship and bonding for our youth.   

Youth Mission Trips

Mission trips are planned for our teens to encourage them in the area of missions.  Projects for recent years included:  a trip to a boys home in Greenville to help clean the property, several trips to Mt. Pisgah Bible Printing in Oliver Springs, TN to help collate Bibles and John/Romans to be distributed to missionaries all around the world.

Youth Activities

Youth activities are planned throughout the year for the various age groups.  These include: eating pizza, playing games, trips to various places, and good Bible devotions and fellowship.