Mission Trip Summary:

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Mission Trips

    On June 12, 2006, Tommy and Myra Smith, and a small group of teenagers (Jessica and Chase Bennett, Eric Chapman, Christen Burrell, Christina Adams, Crystal Brackins, and Brittany Jones ) from Morning Star Baptist Church traveled to Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in  Oliver Springs, TN to work with Brother Carney  in the Bible Print Shop.  The group helped to collate and bind bibles to be sent to missionaries around the world.  Myra cooked and prepared food for the group and the staff at the print shop.  Please pray for Mt. Pisgah Bible Print Shop as they continue to print and distribute Bibles around the world.

On June 17, 2006, a small group from Morning Star Baptist Church traveled to Kingsland, Texas to help Brother Mike and Sister Cindy Lancaster build a house.  The Lancasters have been serving as Missionaries in Mexico for the past 20 years.   Their desire is to have a home where they can retire and also a home base to use during their furloughs.  We praise the Lord that the group was able to accomplish the goal to help get the house in the dry.

During our stay in Kingsland, Brother E.J. Smith, Jackie Smith, Jesús Bolivar, and Jimmy Humphries stayed in a small cabin near the worksite.  Eddie and Shannon Fowler and Tommy and Myra Smith stayed in a nearby hotel.  Due to the extreme heat, the men worked each day from daybreak until lunch, then worked from around 6 pm until dark.  One day, thanks to a cloud cover, they were able to work all day. 

Shannon and Myra shopped for groceries and prepared meals for the group each day.

Our group returned safely to Pacolet on June 24.

 June - August 2005

On June 8, we traveled to Nelson, Canada to help in Joy Baptist Church as Bro. Greg Mann and his family took a short furlough to raise much needed financial support.  We praise the Lord that Bro. Mann was able to increase his support as well as obtain a smaller van to help in his ministry.  Please continue to pray for the Mann Family as they still have financial needs.   Bro. Mann shared with us upon his return that it was a blessing to come home from furlough to an active church family. 

During our stay in Nelson, we stayed in the Mann Family’s home and cared for their house and animals.  Tommy taught Adult Bible Study in the church, and Myra played guitar, sang, and taught children’s church.  We ministered to the church family, provided transportation to and from the church services and visitation, planned and enjoyed several church fellowship meetings, and visited and shared the gospel with patients in the nursing home.   We witnessed and handed out tracts and church literature door to door various times during each week.  On one of the visitations, a 31-year-old lady named Michelle called on the Lord for salvation.  We had the opportunity to witness her baptism when Bro. Mann returned home.   Please pray for Michelle.  Please pray also for the many seeds that were planted with personal testimonies and gospel literature.

Finley and Shirley Fowler from our home church, Morning Star Baptist, spent two weeks helping us help!   They were really a blessing as they helped us to fold and prepare tracks and church literature, hand out tracks on door to door visitation, and encourage and minister to the church family.  They also were a great encouragement to us.  When we are away from home, it is always a blessing to fellowship with someone from home.

 When Bro. Mann returned home, we had our Sunday morning service on a public street corner in downtown Nelson.  Bro. Mann preached, Myra played her guitar and sang, and Tommy and a couple of the church members handed out tracks.  Bro. Mann had obtained permission from the local police to preach, but did not know that Myra needed a special permit to play her guitar and sing.   A policeman approached Myra and requested to see her permit.  Of course she had none, and he was prepared to book her for singing and playing on the street without a permit.  Bro. Mann explained to the policeman that he had permission to preach.  The policeman replied that he could allow preaching, but he could not turn a deaf ear to Myra singing and playing an instrument without a permit.  It was quite a scare for Myra.  Bro. Mann promised to obtain a permit in the future and was able to convince the policemen to give only a warning. 

On August 25, we flew home.  After settling in and visiting with family and friends, we are looking forward to helping our church plan and prepare for our 8th Annual Mission Conference, held the 1st Wednesday – Sunday of each November.  Also, we will resume our normal responsibilities in our home church.

 May 4 – June 7, 2005
Tashia Stewart returned to our home with us from Bulgaria.  Lord willing, we plan to help Tashia get her driving license, do some clothes shopping, and prepare to enter college.   We plan to drive Tashia and Kendra and Branham Mann and leave them to begin their summer work program at PCC College in Pensacola, Fla. On June 4.

We really enjoyed being home for revival services in our home church May 16-20 with Bro. Chris Haizlip.  The Lord blessed in a mighty way! 

On June 8, Lord willing, we plan to travel to Nelson, Canada to fill in for the Mann Family as they take a 3-month furlough to raise additional support.           

April 19 – May 3, 2005
We traveled with Pastor and Ms. Bobbie to Bulgaria to visit and work with Bro. Jeff  Stewart and his family.  We passed out Gospel tracts and had church services in 5 Gypsy villages.   We distributed food and Gospel tracts to a Gypsy village that was discovered during our stay with the Stewarts.  We had the opportunity to travel to Greece and trace the steps of the Apostle Paul.  We visited Thessalonica, spent the night in Neapolis (Acts 16), and toured the ruins of Philippi.   It was an awesome feeling to stand in the prison where Paul and Silas sang at the midnight hour where the Philippian jailor was saved.  We traveled to Macedonia and spent a couple of days with a missionary couple, the Hensleys.   We had two special services in their home and enjoyed a great time of singing, preaching, and praying.    We passed out tracts in the downtown area.. 

We met and had a wonderful time of food and fellowship with the Krontz family.  They are from Moncks Corner, SC and have a great ministry to the Bulgarians.  We look forward to having them in our mission conference in November. 

Feb – mid April, 2005
We worked in our home church. Myra served as church treasurer and missions clerk.  She started English classes for Hispanics and provided van transportation to Sunday church services, taught a Spanish Sunday school class, and translated the preaching services for the Hispanics.  Several have called on the Lord for Salvation. She also worked in the van ministry to Wednesday night youth services.  Several of these children have also called on the Lord for salvation.  We taught and provided music for the Good News club, a club that allows our church to go into the public school system and teach the Gospel to the children.  Tommy taught the adult couples class, served as mission's director and assisted the pastor as needed.

January 4 - 28, 2005
After spending the holidays with our family, we left on Jan 4 to work with Bro. Bob and Sister Betty Sue Smith in Matamoras and Montezuma, Mexico.  Bro. Bob is 75 years old and has been a missionary to the Hispanics for over 45 years.  We helped Bro. Bob create window displays for a Bible and literature distribution center that he recently established in the downtown area of Montezuma.  We also spent some time giving a personal witness along with the Bible literature to the various people that visited the center.  The center is used to distribute Gospel tracts, John Romans, Bibles, videos and cassettes, and a personal witness.   We also assisted Bro. Bob with Bible studies and evangelization in various rancheros.   Myra played the guitar and sang in Spanish, helped take care of the children, helped Sis. Betty prepare meals for fellowships, and used the computer to generate Scripture posters to display in the distribution center.  Tommy helped Bro. Bob with wiring and plumbing of a water system to one of the outlying churches, and helped with daily duties.  We were welcomed home by our newest granddaughter, Elli.

November. 2004  
We traveled with Missionaries Arnold and Wanda Worley to take a church van to the Texas/Mexico border.  The van was given to Bro. Juan Campos Garcia from our church.   Bro. Worley’s ministry is ‘Transport for Jesus’.  He uses his tractor/trailer to move items for missionaries and churches. 

June, 2004  
We took a group of teenagers from our church on a mission trip to Mt. Pisgah Bible Printing Ministry in Oliver Springs, Tennessee.  Our group collated 25,000 Bibles and John/Romans to be distributed free of charge to missionaries around the world.   Missionary H.B. Carney is the printing director. 

April / May, 2004  
We organized and participated in a church mission trip to Toowoonba, Australia and to the South Pacific islands of Vanuatu.  In Australia, we helped Missionary Bob Bartlett with witnessing and placing siding on the church building.   In Vanuatu, we helped Missionary Phillip Pinero.  Our group went into the jungles of the ‘regions beyond’ and preached and witnessed to the island natives.  Some of these natives were once cannibals, witch doctors and had never seen a white man before Bro. Pinero evangelized the villages.   Now, churches are established and they are praising and worshipping the Lord.  To God be the Glory!!  While in the jungle, Bro. Pinero came down with his 28th bout of cerebral malaria.   After a few days rest, he continued on with the group.  Our team slept in grass bamboo huts and it was a very trying experience of sleeping with spiders and bugs.  We’re thankful to God that He has servants like the Pinero family going to the uttermost part of the world.

Summer 2003 – Spring 2004:  
Missionary Jeff Stewart family was on furlough before going to Bulgaria.  We helped Bro. Stewart with lodging and helped his oldest daughter obtain her GED high school diploma. 

August / September, 2003  
We went to Saltillio, Mexico to work with Missionary Mike Lancaster.  Bro. Lancaster was expanding the Bible Institute and we helped in the planning stages.  We also worked with the Lancasters in their church and clinic in San Rafael.

July, 2003
We took a group of teenagers from our church on a mission trip to Mt. Pisgah Bible Printing Ministry in Oliver Springs, Tennessee.  Our group collated 23,000 Bibles and John/Romans to be distributed free of charge to missionaries around the world.   Missionary H.B. Carney is the printing director.  Our group also helped with the move of the printing ministry into a new building.

April, 2003  
During the Easter break of Language School, we went to Moctezuma, Mexico and helped Missionary Bob Smith in a youth camp.

January – May, 2003
We attended Missionary Language School at Rio Grande Bible Institute in Edingburg, Texas located on the Texas/Mexico border.  Tommy enrolled in the  1st  semester of the beginner Spanish class and Myra enrolled in the last semester of the advanced Spanish class.

August / September, 2002  
We organized and participated in a church mission trip to Hanau, Germany and  Romania.  We helped Missionary Jeff Stewart at FMBC.  Also, Bro. Stewart guided our trip to Romania.  We helped Missionary Colleco in the Gypsy villages and churches. 

June, 2002
We took a group of teenagers from our church on a mission trip to Mt. Pisgah Bible Printing Ministry in Oliver Springs, Tennessee.  Our group collated 28,000 Bibles and John/Romans to be distributed with no charge to missionaries around the world.   Missionary H.B. Carney is the printing director.

January – May, 2002
We taught in a Christian School in Ceiba, Puerto Rico.  Tommy taught 6th grade and Myra taught 5th grade.  We worked with military Missionary Joe Lelaux and Missionary school principal Billy Aulds.  A couple years later, Bro. Aulds had a very serious accident when a large machinery tire fell out of a moving truck and pinned him against the wall.  He suffered brain damage and is going thru a very intense rehab to recuperate.  Our responsibility was to fill in as teachers for 1 semester until some additional teachers could be recruited.  We also helped in the church and in the building construction of a new church.   Myra had started learning Spanish and during door to door visitation, the Lord blessed her with the privilege to lead her first Spanish speaking person to the Lord.   

September - October, 2001
We helped Jeff Stewart, a missionary in Hanau, Germany.  At the time Bro. Stewart was a missionary to the military at the First Missionary Baptist Church.  Bro. Stewart has since  left the work in Germany and is now a Missionary to the Gypsies in Bulgaria.  We helped Bro. Stewart in cooking, cleaning, caring for his 2 daughters while his wife and youngest daughter were out of the country with her mother who was very ill.  We sorted and inventoried 100 bags of clothes to take to the Romanian Gypsies.  While we were attending a Preachers conference with the theme  ‘God, shake up America’,  the horrible 9/11 tragedy took place. .

August, 2001
We organized and participated in a mission trip to Kamloops, Canada.  We worked with Missionary Greg Mann in distributing literature packets to 13,000 homes.  The packets contained church information, a gospel tract, and a John/Romans.

June, 2001
We organized and participated in a mission trip to Moctezuma, Mexico.  We worked with Missionary Bob Smith in tract distribution, VBS, youth meetings and ranch evangelism. 

April/May, 2001
We organized and participated in a church mission trip to Romania.  Missionary Kevin Winemiller hosted the trip.  We started in Bucharest, Romania and finished our trip in Budapest, Hungary.  We also worked with Missionary Terry Ingram.  We went to various Gypsy villages and churches.  Pastor Carrigan preached and we sang, witnessed, and went soul winning and passed out tracts. We also visited orphanages and helped encourage the National Pastors.

September, 2000
We organized and participated in a church mission trip to Israel.  Pastor Carrigan and other preachers from our church preached in the First Baptist Church of Jerusalem.  We went soul winning and passed out tracts.  We also enjoyed the Biblical sites of Israel.  We helped encourage Missionary Atif Himadeh.   

July, 2000
We assisted Northside Baptist Church in Gaffney, SC on a mission trip to the island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean.  We taught VBS (there were 200 children in our class and 1,000 children total in VBS) and helped encourage Pastor Jones.

June, 1999    
We organized and participated in a church mission trip to San Rafael, Mexico.  We worked with Missionary Mike Lancaster in village evangelism and church activities.  We also helped Missionary Juan Campos Garcia in a church in the outskirts of Monterrey. 

During the times we are not away from home, we remain very active in our home church.  We teach Sunday School, help with the youth programs, church youth camps, VBS, Good News Club, Van Ministry, Spanish Ministry,  plan and organize the mission conference, and any projects needed by our church.

 Myra sings and plays the guitar, teaches and translates for Hispanics, operates the van ministry, serves as the church treasurer and mission clerk.

 Tommy serves as mission’s director and assists the pastor as needed.

We are committed to serve the Lord by going anywhere around the world to help missionaries in their ministry.  We are available to help with youth camps, witnessing, tract distribution, administrative, computer projects or training, building, cleaning, or any project that will help missionaries in their work.

If we can be of help to you in your mission work, contact us at:


Telephone:  (864)474-2934