Morning Star Baptist Church
Mission Trip Highlights
Mexico Trip 2010
September 6 throuth 13, 2010
[Click here to view the photo album]Pastor and Ms. Bobbie Carrigan and Tommy and Myra Smith, Jimmy Humphries and Connie Jones took a mission trip to work with Brother Jeff and Bettina Shue in Donna, Texas and Reynosa, Mexico. Myra was invited to be the guest speaker at the annual ladies retreat in Reynosa, Mexico. The group worked with Ms. Bettina to prepare the food and gifts for the conference. Over 100 ladies attended the conference. The men helped to serve the food and enjoyed fellowship with some of the local pastors. Tommy and Bro. Jimmy cleaned the Grace Building, a missionary storage building. Tommy repaired several air conditioners. Pastor Carrigan preached at Cornerstone Baptist Church and a young lady was saved. The group visited Brother Bob Smith's flee market ministry in Brownsville. We helped to prepare tracks to be distributed. We enjoyed fellowship with several missionaries and the Shue family. The Lord protected us while ministering in this very violent area on the Mexico border. A few weeks after our trip, Donnie and Connie Jones donated an air conditioning unit to be used by Bro. Shue in a trailer to house missionaries on the border.