A Fundamental Baptist Church

Missions Conference Information
Email: Missions Director - Tommy Smith

Please make plans to be with us in our 13th Annual Mission Conference
the First Wednesday - Sunday following the first Sunday Each November, November 10-14, 2010
Please click the following link  to review the Doctrinal Statement of Morning Star Baptist Church:
What We Believe

If you have reviewed and are in agreement with our Doctrinal Statement,   and you would like to register to attend our  13th Annual Missions Conference, Please complete the Following Form:

Conference Registration

First Name:
Last Name:
Contact Information:
Email Address:

Place Of Mission:
Descripton of Mission(optional):

Family Members(traveling with you)

Number of Children:
Children's names and ages (please list separated by commas)

Name of Home/Sending Church:
Pastor's Name:
Pastor's Phone Number :
Home Church Website (if available):
Please check if your home/sending church uses ONLY the Authorized King James Bible for English speaking people:

If you are with a Mission Board, please provide ALL the following information:
Mission Board:
Mission Board Phone Number:
Mission Board Website(If availabale):
Please Check if your Mission Board uses Only the Authorized King James Bible for English speaking people:
We normally have over 30 missionary families scheduled for our conference.
Pastor Carrigan requests that you be committed to attend the services that you check...
... that you do not arrive later
... and that you do not leave earlier
than scheduled, unless there are emergency situations.
Conference dates are:
November 10 - November 14, 2010
(Wednesday - Sunday)

Please Check each service you plan to attend:

Wednesday...  Evening  

   Thursday...  Morning      Evening   

       Friday...  Morning      Evening   

   Saturday...  Morning      Evening   

     Sunday...  Morning      Evening   

We provide free lodging to as many missionaries as possible.
Lodging is available through the use of our church prophet rooms and as
our church families open their homes.

Lodging arrangements will be made 30-60 days before the conference.
When our free lodging is full, we will provide information to nearby hotels
that give church discounts.

Please check the Nights you request Lodging:





If you desire a motor home power /water hookup (no sewer available), please check:

Please enter "Y" for each of the following statements that agree with your beliefs:

I have read and am in agreement with the doctrinal statement of Morning Star Baptist Church.

I use only the Authorized King James Bible for English Speaking People.

I am a member of a local Independent Fundamental Baptist Church.

I have emailed or mailed my statement of beliefs to Morning Star Baptist Church.
            (Please mail or email to address found at top of this form)

I have emailed or mailed my personal testimony to Morning Star Baptist Church.

How Can I Be Saved?